Central Board of Secondary Education (Most Popular Education Board) launches CBSE Training Portal 2025 for Teachers, Principals, and Vice-Principal on this Training Portal, CBSE keeps on bringing training programs for teachers.
This CBSE Training portal is the foundation on which a productive and successful education system rests, the board improves the quality of the teacher through its various enumeration efforts.
The National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education follows the principles laid down by the Free and Compulsory Education of Children Act, of 2009 which emphasizes that continuous teacher training plays an important role in the overall framework of quality education.
CBSE Digital Edu provides complete information about the CBSE Teacher Training Program. In this article, we discuss all important information regarding the CBSE Training Portal such as CBSE Training Portal Login, the CBSE Teacher Training Workshop, the CBSE Free Teacher Training Program, CBSE Training Portal E-certificate, the CBSE Teacher Training Feedback Form, etc.
CBSE Training Portal was launched by the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). It benefits people from all walks of education, from school teachers to principals and vice-principals. All important information about CBSE Training Portal can be found on CBSE Digital Education.
Table of Contents
CBSE Training Portal for Online Teacher Training Program
Quality concerns in school education are among the priorities of CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), as they play a vital role in the development of the country. One of the major objectives of the CBSE Teacher Training Unit is to organize various capacity-building and empowerment programs to update the professional competency of the teachers.
CBSE Online Training Portal 2025
The Central Board of Secondary Education has started a new way of teaching teachers. Now CBSE has launched the Online CBSE Training Portal to give teachers the best online education training. With the help of the CBSE Free Training Portal 2025, all CEOs nationwide are hosting their online training programs.

All the participants can now register for the online Teacher training session with the school authorities (using school credentials) or as individual participants for any of the programs listed on the CBSE Portal. In this article, we discuss all important topics like the CBSE Training Portal, Online Registration for Free Sessions, Download Certificate, Fee Payment, and Feedback Form.
How to Register for Free Online Teacher Training Program
Step I: Visit the official website of the CBSE Portal or Click here to visit for Registration Page.
Step II: After clicking the above link a new page opens. Now, Click on the “Click here to register for a free online session” link shown on the screen.
Step III: The Registration page opens after Clicking the “Click here to register for free online session” link.
Step IV: You decide the date, time, and topic of your training, then click on the “Register” button.
Step V: Three options appear on the screen After clicking the “Register” button.
- Login for School Affiliated with CBSE (Multiple Participants).
- New Registration for Individual Participants
- Log in for existing Participants
Step VI: If you are registering for this training for the first time, then you should choose the second option (New Registration for Individual Participants)
Step VII: After clicking the above link, the registration form opens. In this Registration form, you must fill in three details: Personal, School, and Login.
Step VIII: You can attend the online training with the help of the same “User ID and Password” that you will enter in the Login Details.
Step IX: Click on the “Submit Detail” Button
CBSE Training Portal Login 2025 at cbseit.in
Those aspirants who wish to log in to the CBSE Training Portal, follow the steps given below:
Step I: Click here to this Link for Login.
Step II: The Individual Participant Login Page will open after clicking the above link.
Step III: Enter your correct User ID, Password, and Security PIN then click on the “Login” button.
Step IV: After clicking the “Login” button, you will be logged in to the CBSE Online Training Portal.
CBSE Training Portal E-Certificate Download
Applicants who want to download the CBSE Teacher Training Certificate can take their certificate after completing the online training. Applicants must take all the online teacher training to get the certificate and complete the attendance for their certificate.
Registered applicants have to attend and complete classes online to collect the certificate. CBSE Teacher Training Certificate can be downloaded from the official website of the CBSE Training Portal. Check out the steps given below to download the e-certificate of the CBSE Online Teacher Training Program.
Step I: Visit the official website or Click here to download the CBSE Training Certificate.
Step II: You have to click on the training for which you want to download the certificate.
Step III: Enter your email ID, Password, and Security PIN (Shown on the Screen) then click on the login option.
Step IV: Click on the download certificate option.
Step V: After clicking the download option your certificate will be downloaded.
Today’s CBSE Training Programmes
Step I: Go to the official website of CBSE or Click here for a direct link for Today Training.
Step II: Click the “Sort By” Icon and choose program-wise or COE-wise for the list of today’s training.
Step III: After selecting the Program-Wise or COE-Wise option, all of Today’s Training Programs show on the Screen.
Contact for any Query related to the CBSE Training Portal
Designation | Phone Number |
Training Portal | 011-23214737 |
IT Unit | 011-23214737 |
Dr. Sandeep Jain | 011-23211400 |
Dr. B Saha (Training Director) | 011-23216873 |
Amit Singh (Query related to Payment) | 011-23211700 |
Introduction Programs
The program addresses the principals and managers of the newly affiliated schools of the board. Various sessions have been designed to handle the schools by providing inputs related to the Regional offices’ functioning, examinations, and IT-related issues. Also, inputs are given on CBSE CBP, Life Skills, Values & Physical Education.
Prospective Resource Persons Programmes
Resource persons are experts who provide information and opinions to participants in a learning situation. They are often used to conduct educational activities, but can also be helpful to a committee at the program planning level. Resource persons can be from within or outside the organization.
Base your selection on their knowledge of the topic & ability to successfully cover and communicate information to an audience. All the programs available under subject-specific CBPs and general CBPs are covered under this program.
General CBPS For Teachers
Classroom Management
The program consists of sessions that introduce participating teachers to classroom managerial skills, techniques, and effective strategies. Thus it enables them to analyze their teaching style and strengthen it further to manage large classes effectively.
Inclusion and Inclusive Strategies
The program consists of sessions that create awareness of the needs of children with disabilities and prompt participating teachers to reflect on their perspectives and knowledge about issues related to children with special needs (CWSN). The sessions also provide participants with inputs related to the provisions, exceptions, and certifications of the CWSN & practical strategies for inclusion.
Career Guidance Portal
The program consists of sessions that educate teachers about the importance of career guidance for students. It includes sessions on the changing world of work and determinants of career guidance among others. The focus is also on the skills of getting the latest career information and the organization of group guidance activities.
Gender Sensitivity
The program consists of sessions that provide guidelines for teachers to be gender-responsive. This includes sessions on teaching through gender-sensitive pedagogy, using gender-sensitive teaching-learning materials, and creating a gender-sensitive classroom environment, among other measures.
Life Skills
The program consists of sessions that introduce participants to various life skills; Create awareness of the fact that life skills are an inherent part of various disciplines and motivate teachers to focus on the promotion of these life skills.
Remodeled Structure of Assessment
The program consists of sessions that allow participants to represent the broad framework of the re-designed assessment structure, activities related to periodic tests, notebook submission, and subject enrichment, preparation of question papers for periodic tests, and notebooks Attached to represent tasks such as preparing simple rubrics, etc.
In addition, embedded sessions on co-scholastic areas and documentation engage participants in discussions about work education, health, and physical education, arts education, and discipline.
Adolescent Education
The training program on Adolescent Education enables the participants to articulate their thoughts and ideas about adolescence and adolescents, explain the various aspects of a school that make it a child-friendly school, on the concerns and needs of adolescents.
Reflects, identifies, and explains to children about peer pressure differences or differences in physical, psychological, moral, and lifestyle in terms of context. The program is full of interactive learning sessions to equip teachers to effectively deal with various issues related to adolescents.
Stress Management
The one-day training program on stress management helps the participants identify the various sources of stress in their lives and understand the consequences of stress. Through participatory group discussions and brainstorming, participants are expected to gain behavioral flexibility to better cope with stressful situations and learn about various strategies to reduce stress.
Through self-assessment and experiential learning, participants practice setting personal goals for self-care; And imagine CBP’s companion support for stress management.
Joyful Mathematics
The objective of the two-day program on Joyful Mathematics is to encourage children to acquire math concepts by allowing teachers to observe relationships between numbers and look for patterns in relationships.
It helps the participants to understand and apply concepts related to mathematics to solve real-life problems and solve meaningful problems. Additionally, it provides opportunities for teachers to help children to learn mathematics through History & learn difficult concepts and use technological tools such as Geogebra.
Through interesting activities, the program facilitates teachers to inculcate aesthetic sense in children by discovering symmetry in shape and developing spatial understanding. Teachers learn to reason and make convincing arguments to justify their own conclusions in a mathematical context.
LEADING TRANSFORMATION-Programme for Principals on Leadership
The three-day program aims to develop the skills required for effective leadership and to make the school a learning organization for the holistic development of all students and teachers. It orients the headmasters towards various methods and methods that can help them and their school to achieve their goals.
It also focuses on helping principals identify and fix achievable goals with available resources. It aims to prepare headmasters to understand the nuances and face the challenges in taking the schools in the right direction and achieving desired results through teamwork.
I hope you like this post about CBSE Training Portal 2025. If you have any queries related to this CBSE Training Portal then comment below in the comment section. Share this article with your school Principal, Vice-Principals, and Class Teachers.
Lovely training session thanks a lot 🙏 everyone
I want free online training conducted for Principal’s
Well designed training programmes. Very nice. Thank you all.
What is the difference between individual login and login through school ?
Is it mandatory for a teacher to reappear in induction training if he has completed the same by joining the CBP at other school?