CBSE releases a new notification regarding Foundational Learning Study for students of Class 3. Read this article till the end for complete information regarding Foundation Learning Study.
As a part of the implementation of New Education Policy 2020, the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India (GoI) has launched the NIPUN India Mission for Foundation Literacy and Numeracy (FLN). The FLN aims to ensure that every child in the country must achieve basic literacy and numeracy by the end of Grade 3 by 2026-27.
Therefore, it is important to assess a child’s learning at baseline because early development and learning are consistently associated with attainment in school in later years and with better quality of life in general.
In this regard, it is informed that the Foundational Learning Study to assess the learning level of Class 3 students in Basic Literacy and Numeracy will be conducted from 23 to 26 March 2022 across India. This study is being conducted for students who are completing grade 3.
The sample for the study will be selected from state government-run schools, government-aided schools, private recognized schools, and Kendriya Vidyalayas. The state-level result will be reported by the medium of instruction.
You are, therefore, requested to make necessary arrangements to keep the schools open and call the students who have completed Grade 3 on the day of the Foundational Learning Study to ensure the smooth conduct of the study. The list of selected schools is available on this link School List.
In addition, the MoE (Ministry of Education) will send supervisors to all states and union territories to ensure effective and proper conduct of the Foundational Learning Study. Please make necessary arrangements for the supervisors (or observers) to ensure the smooth conduct of their duties. The list of observers is attached to Annexure I of Official Notification. Download this list link given below.
The test administration process under study is oriented and resource-intensive and requires considerable effort to collect reliable and valid data as it will inform the state-level plans to improve basic education. Therefore, collective efforts are needed to make this survey successful.
School List Download | School List |
Official Notification | Notification |
CBE Homepage | Click Here |
I look forward to your support and cooperation in the successful conduct of the Foundational Learning Study.
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